Marisa Moments and Other Stuff

M2 #123}}} Just walked out of the office... Went to say goodnight to the security guard but was thrown off by seeing him elbow deep in his left nostril. Why do I have to see these things?!

Not Judging... Just Sayin:  it's like 29degrees out and this lady has on yacht shoes with no socks... Heeellllllooooo vericose veins

Not Judging... Just Sayin: unintentionally droopy boots are stupid

M2 #952145 = heard about a woman getting a mistaken deposit of 88Billion bucks; thought what I would do in that situation. Results: 1 billion to each friend/ family member (that we deem worthy)... Buy a private jet CASH and off to Europe for my new life. Did I mention my swedish bank account? Yeeeeeaaaaa... That money is NOT going back. P.S. I'd so quit my gig by finally having the rock star moment of my dreams.

Not Judging... Just Sayin: one of the weirdest things ever: getting on the bus and taking off your coat

Not Judging... Just Sayin: pink ties are only cute 1 out of 10 times

Not Judging... Just Sayin: puffy vests do not equate to a coat

Not Judging... Just Sayin: women who don't wear coats when its freezing outside are idiotic

*i don't judge... I speak on real observations as they exist

nOt JUdgiN; JUsT saYin:  dude has looked for the garbage can in the same place 3 times now... What was the definition of insanity again?

M2 #6876:  so I left the bathroom and was told that my skirt was tucked into my tights (20 minutes later)... Yup; I have no friends

*God smack #368591 - I cut a woman because she is waiting for her order before she can go to the register... And then someone cuts in front of me. Can I still yell at them?

M2 #244554 --> so a couple decided to sit down next to me at this food spot... I waited them out and am still here while they're leaving. Point 1 to Marisa!

MM #3684 = was informed today that I'm one of the meanest people in my company... If you knew who employed me; you'd understand the brevity of this accomplishment

WTF? -- sam l. Jackson-esk dude walking down the street in a shower curtain coat (NOT a raincoat); carring a cane with a gray goat on the chin... Classic chicago

*marisa moment #563210: doing my day-to-day work... Trying to help souls in their knowledge game... I get punked by an old bat... "Ur lucky I have a copy!". WTF?!... Man, she just doesn't know I beat the SHIT out of her (in my mind)

*not judging... just sayin = there's a woman on the bus who's hair looks like yarn... I want to make a scarf out of it

*marisa moment #3564219= had to run for the bus... I think I'm having a heart attack (no; seriously)


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