What in the SAmUel L JaCKson?!!!! StOp crYing

Okay, so I didn't do it intentionally [i PrOmIse!!!].... buuuuuuttttttt, looks like I made someone cry today.  I mean, whoever thinks they can address me in a condescending manner is sorely mistaken.  What would you do if someone constantly referred to you as "kid/ kiddo" or any other variation?

Well, this person (let's call her "M.C. Cries-Alot"); insists on referring to me as "kid" so today when M.C. Cries Alot said it to another person and I; I called her out. 

Me: "Why do you always call me kid?"
M.C.:  "I call everyone kid."
Me: "Well, I'm a grown woman and don't like it."
M.C.: "Anyone who's younger than me is 'kid"
Me: "I'm only my mother's kid... I am a wife and a mother... so stop it"
M.C.: *sniffles* "ok"

-Fast Forward 20 minutes later-
M.C.: *sniffles... wipe* "I'm sorry if I offended you, its a term of endearment"
Me: "sure, sure.... just don't do it"
M.C. *sniffles*

I mean... really?!!!!  Ok, so I know I can be a b1tch... but you gotta stand-up sometimes; otherwise you'll always get knocked down.

P.S. I don't like cry babies.


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