Worn OUT!!!!

Okay so last time I spoke of being a crazy pregnant lady... that fact never changed throughout the entire pregnancy.  However, I have advanced to being a worn-out/ crazy mother of two girls.

Yup, I had my 2nd daughter on February 2nd, 2012 via c-section (I'll spare you the details).  So although I am truly blessed for having beautiful and healthy children, I am on the verge of going completely gray and/or bald.

My 2 year old is doing this new thing where she no longer calls me Mommy, but instead she calls me "Mom".  Yeeeeeaaaaaaa, she's TWO!!!!  Oh and did I mention that she now wants to call EVERYONE "mom"?!  Uh-huh.  The only time she chooses to call me Mommy is when she wants something.  So I'm already in for it... I'm guessing I must have been hell on wheels for my mother and this is just karma.

OH and don't let me forget to mention that she's also a DIVA!  She wants to be carried about 80% of the time and is always looking to make a mid-day outfit change.  OK, OK... some of this is my fault because I may be living vicariously through her; but hell... she's my kid... that's what I'm supposed to do.

All-in-all... Pray for me everyone!


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