Today my husband mentioned something that I couldn't help but ponder on...
”Analyze who you are investing the heart of your attention, focus, thoughts, energy and passion towards. You will be surprised how often the one(s) who you invest the most in, aren't returning the same. #SILVERBACKwisdom” -CEI
I try my very best to keep my affections and wisdom trained on my core, my home, but at the same time... I do have moments of distraction. This can be ”FB Drama”, a phone call, new business venture, television show or even housework, amongst many other things. The good news is that once we recognize our issues, it should make it all the easier to make necessary adjustments. The bad news is... Old habits are very hard to break.
So today I will choose to focus my energies first and foremost on my core, then branch to my small circle. I will not stretch myself to the point where I have nothing left to give.
*Become the change you wish to see*
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