Distorted View
Sometimes when we have problems, we are too close to the issue to really view what's going on. We see things from one side... Our side. However we must always be cognizant that just as we have our side, the other person has theirs.
Does this mean that one view is correct or better than the other? Weeeeelllll, sometimes there can be a definitive answer, but more often than not, the ”correct answer” is subject to interpretation.
So this is where I suggest allowing yourself to have a Distorted View. I'm not suggesting that you dismantle or do away with your truth. I'm simply suggesting that you allow yourself an opportunity to view situations from a perspective that is other than your own. Neutralize yourself in whatever action/conversation may be causing distress and try to see things from a different point of view.
Will this mean that you will drop your cause?... Probably not. However it will allow space for more understanding in your heart.
At the end of the day, most people seek to be understood and accepted. I suggest accepting the differences and moving forward with the lines you wish to establish. But just keep in mind that sometimes clarity is achieved in the midst of a cloud, so never be hasty to only exist in your personally developed sunlight.
*Peace and Blessings*
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Well, were you inspired?...