Celebrating with Compassion

Today is Father's Day... A day to acknowledge fathers everywhere for the great work and love that they have given and will continue to provide.  It is on this day that we give the proverbial (and literal) ties of appreciation and love.  Fore without our father's we would not exist.

However, as I state this; we must also be aware that families of today and tomorrow are not all comprised of what used to be deemed, the perfect nuclear family.  Everyone doesn't exist under the Leave it to Beaver type of existence... and even further, I doubt if anyone has that type of home environment in today's day and age.  So today I suggest Celebrating with Compassion.  This is not to say that any/all public acknowledgements must be stifled.  To the contrary, I suggest making as much of a spectacle as you are comfortable with.  Just bear in mind that although this day may bring great joy to one... it can also bring great sorrow to another.

On this day, we remember the love that was shared with the fathers lost... we acknowledge the uncles that stepped up in a fathers absence... we give a nod to the mothers that play both roles... we recognize and embrace the family that we have.  This day is not about bashing for absence; it's about celebrating for presence.

Thirty-four years ago, my father was forever lost to the physical world.  He left a young mother with 2 children in his passing.  So today I choose to not only celebrate my husband, the best man I've ever known... but I have the privilege of acknowledging the memory of my father and recognizing the strength in my mother to stand-in as both roles in his wake.  Yet above all... I radiate in raising my arms in receipt (just as a child calling silently to be picked up and embraced) to HIM because without HIM... there would be no me.

*Peace and Blessings*


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