So I was watching "Watch What Happens Live" yesterday and the guest was Oprah. She made a statement that resonated to my bones. She said something to the extent of this, "Failure doesn't exist... the universe just tells us to try something else or make adjustments." [Loose phrasing]
I loved this so much because it is so true. Oftentimes I get down on myself because I am in fact my harshest critic. Whether it is for a meal that I prepare and determine to be sub par, a goal that I have yet to accomplish or even something as simple as not having cleaned my home to the "white glove" standards. I would generally view all of these examples as personal failures because of my perception on not being able to live up to some asinine standards that only I care about. However after hearing this singular statement, my views on the subject are beginning to shift. I'm slowly realizing and embracing the notion that true perfection does not exist. Yes, we can be a perfect version of our self, in that no one else is like us. Yet I refer to the overall notion behind the term, "perfect".
per·fect [pÉ™rfikt] adjective
1. Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
This is where I restate that "perfect" does not truly exist outside of HIM. If we are constantly growing and therefore decide that failure is not an option, then guess what?... It isn't. Not because of some preconceived notion as to what the term failure represents; but because if we allow ourselves the opportunity to grow and change directions, then we never truly fail; we are simply changing course to follow the path towards fulfilling a greater destiny.
Are you picking up what I'm putting down here?
Look at it this way. If you were driving to some new destination and found yourself slightly turned around, you wouldn't get out of your vehicle and decide to set up permanent residence wherever you found yourself... would you?! I'd like to think not. Instead, you might break out the ole GPS (gotta love modern technology sometimes), or you might ask for directions, or pull over to review the original directions; amongst a host of other options. So next time something doesn't work out the way I expect, I will try to look at the map and follow an alternate route to my ultimate destination or destiny.
Our journeys vary greatly and our destinies may not fit hand-in-hand... but I know this... throughout life we are required to make adjustments and adapt. If we can change our view of where we are and the results we receive from our actions, we can achieve greatness. Remember this... failure and success is all relative. You and you alone can determine whether you will choose to sit in stagnation or to grow into who you are meant to be.
*BE the change you wish to see*
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