Where There's A Will...

I wear many hats in my current Earthly existence.  I'm a mother, sister, comedian, chef, maid, handy person, etc, etc, etc... However one thing that these roles have taught me is that; Where There's A Will there is always a way.  Allow me to expand on this...

My daughter recently had a spill on our computer (yup, fun times).  And from that spill our touch mouse stopped working.  I did a few checks on the computer, went into the control panel to try to reconfigure a few things, tried slapping the thing, shook it, blew on it and finally suggested buying a new plug-in mouse.  Frustration hadn't set-in, yet I didn't want the project to own my existence for the day (I have a tendency to become obsessed with things that I'm set on fixing/ altering).  Anywho, I was just about to throw in the proverbial towel and shut-down the laptop when I decided to give it one last ditch effort.  Guess what?!  I figured it out!  Needless to say, I'm going to be adding IT Genius to my repertoire.  

However I mention this to prove a point.  Although I'm not intending to insinuate that all effort will guarantee success, I do know one thing... In general, we get back what we put in.  So we must put forth real effort if we hope for a positive return.  So from this I've learned to keep trying.  I must not be so quick to wave the white flag of surrender.  After all you know what they say; if at first you don't succeed...

Oh and one more thing (because I enjoy a good curve ball as much as the next guy).  Even with all of the above mentioned... please know that something that is for you should not require excess pain/turmoil in your life.  Example:  If I would have gotten shocked from my computer while trying to fix the mouse, guess what?!  That means I need to take the computer to someone that has greater knowledge of the equipment.  So although, yes, I do feel that effort is required in most things... pain is not.

Hope this makes sense.  :)

*Peace and Blessings*
Feel free to email me directly with any questions/comments 


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