A Shadow

Could my lesson be that I need to remain humble in the face of absent-acknowledgement?

I have recently been battling the enemy's suggestion that I am not worthy of acknowledgement.   he offers examples of oversights, disrespect, thievery, misunderstanding, being taken for granted and a plethora of other draining/soul deflating concepts.  I've become more aware that many of my endeavors go unnoticed; although their replications receive accolades of high note.  I've had to chew back the bitter taste of resentment, swallow my pride and press forward through much fog. 

To be quite honest, at times I wonder if I am truly serving HIM in the best way because I rarely see result from my efforts.  Faith can be draining when you are amidst an internal war.  Yet I continue to push forward with the light HE placed in my soul, before my body greeted the world.  However I must acknowledge my struggles as well as my triumphs if I am to continue my journey in truth.

This is where I must change my view on where I am.  This is where I stand-up to battle the negative notions that attempt to cloud my path.  Truth is, I'm OK with being A Shadow if it is HIS will.  I accept being the quiet suggestion that exists just under the surface of thoughts.  I make peace with the notion of being replicated without a nod of recognition.  Do I love this reality?  No; but this isn't about me.  I am simply a messenger of HIS words and wisdom.  The beauty in all of this and the part that brings calm/acceptance and a smile to my face...

Super heroes exist in shadows.   They live dual existences in order to mask their earthly persona and then spring from darkness in moments of despair.   So perhaps that is my fate.  I don't expect to be putting on a literal cape anytime soon, yet I will always "fly" into action for the sake of the underdog.  I will share my words and my story in hopes of affecting change.  I will remain functional based on faith and not seek recognition for doing what I was placed here to do. 

My achievements, as immeasurable as they might be, will ultimately prove to be my mark on the world.  And through HIS strength and perseverance I will continue to grow.

So today I begin to understand that sometimes greatness comes from the shadows.

~Make peace with becoming the change you wish to see~ 


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