Sometimes I have to give myself a break from.... ohhhhhhhh, everything.... just so that I can have an opportunity to recharge my proverbial battery. These past few days have been no exception to this moratorium to recharge rule. I've used this time to connect with those that are closest to my core. I've used this time to reevaluate where I am on my journey. I've used this time to open myself even further to the positive possibilities that wish to become a part of my existence. One thing that I've reaffirmed is the concept behind attracting likes.
This is a very simple, yet complex reality to apply. It states that we attract that which we exude. Want more?...
It's simple really. If we wish to have happiness and positivity in our lives, we must show it in our words and actions and will therefore attract people that carry our same manner of being/thinking. Now, this isn't a foolproof approach because we all know that sometimes people choose to be unhappy and will in turn attempt to bring that same pessimistic attitude to your front door. However, if we stand strong in our beliefs and allow our inner light to shine... we are bound to affect change. Or in the very least, we will be able to have clearer vision as it relates to whom we should and should not associate ourselves with.
I mention all of this to say that as of today I protect myself and those nearest me by limiting the Invitations that I send to the universe. I will guard my light by not allowing darkness in any form to attempt to smother it. I will surround myself with truth and love. I will associate with that which I aspire to be.
You don't have to adopt my philosophies, but I encourage you to look around yourself. Are the people nearest you there to uplift you to a higher state of being? Do they offer encouragement in moments of despair? Do they beam with pride through your victories? Conversely... what do you bring to the table? This journey is not one sided, it's not created to be easy... it just is.
It is Truly time to become the change we wish to see in this world before the hourglass runs out.
Peace and blessings.
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Well, were you inspired?...