
The theme of today is... Beauty.

Since yesterday I have seen one word everywhere I've turned, and that word is ”beauty”.  I feel in my soul that this is the universe speaking to my psyche with notions of inner reflections shining outward for the world to see.  Do I feel physically beautiful?... Eh, perhaps on a really good day.  Yet of late it seems as if the enemy toils away to display the harshness/ugliness/cruelty in myself and things around me.

I too have times that I feel as if I'm fighting to simply stay afloat.  In those moments I begin to believe the enemy's lies that speak of my inequities.  I struggle.  However I am never left in that dark place for long.  I am indeed blessed and highly favored... This is the notion that I must hold firmly in my heart. 

So today when I see the word, ”beauty” I will internalize it and allow all the positive aspects of the term to become me.  Everything else doesn't matter. 

You are beauty.  Trust it.  Believe it.

~ Namaste ~

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