Cry Baby
Emotional swings can be a beast! Up, down and all around. That has been my world since I began this cleanse. Well, that was my story prior to beginning this cleanse as well... but I understand that it was the empath in me being a magnet for everyone else's emotional stuff. However, I have noticed that these past 5 days have called for me to turn inward every time I am tempted to focus on those things and people around me for explanation of my actions and emotions. I so want to point a finger to ease my burden from blame. I want to suppress my feelings and allow anger to lead my charge towards action. But you know something?
It is A LOT harder for me to maintain anger, than it is for me to achieve understanding.
Man.... think about that for a second.
A few things that I've learned about myself so far:
- I am prone to react quickly (whether it be positive or negative; which again, is up to interpretation)
- I don't listen as well as I should
- Releasing emotional baggage is an on-going process, that cannot be downplayed or avoided
- Anger is not natural to my being
Truth is, the more I take time to reflect; the more I can see myself in all things and people around me. I understand that in my moments of extreme emotional outbursts, I need but bring the proverbial pendulum back to center. I must remind myself to assess where my emotions are coming from. Am I truly upset or frustrated at those around me, or am I simply projecting my internal emotions onto another? If I do something, is it truly coming from a good place in my heart, or is my ego taking a major role?
So when I feel that I want to cry... I will allow myself permission to cry. Regardless of who is around. Truth is we only fear judgment because we are quick to judge. So I'll stop calling myself a cry baby and I will even work to remove any negative connotation that I associate with the notion. Instead, I will simply be. I will be aware of myself and all that comes along with it; I will look within for all that I seek, in turn granting myself permission to see things with greater clarity.
*Peace and Blessings*
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