Haunted like a Mo-Fo!!!
I've been having this weird feeling lately, well, weirder than
usual. I keep feeling as if something is trying to attach itself to me and cast
a dark shadow over my path/journey. Then, as if I needed the confirmation, my
daughter starts to wake-up as if she were a newborn again, waking up every
couple of hours, trying to get into my bed or just whining from her bed. THEN,
my oldest daughter follows not-too-far behind the youngest while saying she had
a bad dream.
I reside in a very spiritual household. We
pride our family on praying, following the 'Golden Rule' and by having strong
faith in love, light and other things associated with the like. I wouldn't say
that we are religious,
simply because I feel that often places restrictions on beliefs, but we are
definitely spiritual.
Anywho, if I had any question about what
was going on, Spirit certainly cleared things up with the recent behavioral
changes in my children and in a vision I had yesterday morning! In the vision,
I could see we were being haunted by the past. Of course what that specifically
looks like can vary, but an example could be something as simple as us being
discussed by others, with words laced with salty intentions. In other words,
people could be talking shyt about us! (Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you
were picking up what I was putting down!) Or it could be that there is
something from our past that we have yet to release
and are therefore holding on to those shadows or skeletons.
Also, I saw quite clearly that I have been
so focused on finding my path, by looking for myself in the reflection of
another that I missed one key lesson. The path is innate! Everything that I
need to know is already in me! Spirit was showing me that the more I quest for
the answers that I already know, the more likely I am to lose the plot. Now,
don't get me wrong... If we truly don't know an answer to something, it is
imperative to have the courage to seek out understanding. HOWEVER, I haven't
been doing this. Instead I've been finding myself playing down my knowledge for
the sake of conversation, when in reality... I innately and intrinsically know
the truth. Again, please don't take this as my ego speaking, because I work
very hard on differentiating higher-self from that which aims to keep me tied
to personal gains.
Bottom line is this: Of late, my openness
has invited opportunity for access to not only myself, but my family. This is
all too common in times of growth. Yet, I must remain vigilant in staying
grounded and keeping my efforts in line with love and light. Anything else can
kick rocks (with love... lol). This is not only necessary for me, but for my
Today I stand firmly in not only who I am,
but who I'm becoming.
*Peace and Blessings*
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Well, were you inspired?...