Chill Out!

I often get so worked up over the smallest things. I have to remind myself to take a step back and see things for what and how they truly are. For instance, I've most recently been having an internal battle with my lack of blogging of late. I think to myself, "Self, WTF?! You owe it to yourself to post, you can't let your writing and sharing fall to the wayside just because you feel like a lazy bump-on-a-log!" [Those are my actual words, folks.]

Anywho, getting to the point. What I've realized is that it truly doesn't matter if I post a million times, or just once; what matters is that I'm living within my authentic truth. So if I'm swamped and can't get to writing, I'm not going to harp on it. I will simply continue to do the very best I can, when I can. 

Bottom-line is this: We often allow ourselves to get caught-up in the notion of a thing, rather than the reality of it. In doing so, we find ourselves swimming in the stress-pool; waiting and hoping for someone to throw us a life preserver. When in reality, WE are the only ones capable of saving ourselves! I don't think you heard me...

YOU are the only one capable of saving yourself!

True enough, people come into our lives to make transitions and experiences a bit easier; but in the end, we hold all the magick we need to create our own positive realities. 

Wait, how the hell did this post shift to manifesting realities for us? Thing of it is, it doesn't matter if we are stressing about not posting as much as we would like, or about not crossing that 'thing' off of our to-do list for the day. We are the ones that dictate our own actions, when it comes down to it. So if you want to get something done... Do that shyt! And if you can't because of circumstances, let that shyt go!

See where I'm going here? Create your own reality by owning your own actions! Own your shyt!

That. Is. All.

*Peace and Blessings*

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Last but not least, if you have not yet purchased your copy of "Marisa Moments: Begin YOUR Journey" please go online (well, you are already online, so that's one less thing)... go to any of the following links to purchase your copy RIGHT NOW!  Please and Thank You!!!!  It is truly by your support that I am able to continue to share my journey and to help others begin and continue that of their own. I humbly thank you.
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