Energy Flow

I've been watching "The Secret" on Netflix over the last few days. If you're not familiar with the notion, here's a link. Anywho, I've been so moved by the gist of it. Unknowingly, I've already been using the secret to manifest my intentions into reality. If I see something or think of something that I want, I mean truly want... I see it into reality.

A few things that I've called into my reality are:

  • Promotions
  • Gifts
  • One-of-a-kind items that I couldn't afford at the time
  • My husband (oh yea!... I'll even share that info with ya)
  • My home
  • And so much more!!!!

In reality, "The Secret" isn't a true secret to many... It's just something we do. For instance, I used to be in a position (job) that paid well but wasn't very fulfilling to me. I complained about it, cracked jokes about it and even got to the point where I slacked off because I figured, if they fired me, they would be doing me a favor. It wasn't until I shifted my focus from that which I didn't want, to being on what I did want; that my life changed. Instead of allowing myself to remain consumed in self-victimization I decided to step over my fears and go for something new. It was scary as hell! I remember interviewing for the new position and thinking, "OMG, what am I getting myself into?!" It was only later that I found out that this was done purposefully by my future employer. She was literally testing my fortitude by painting a grim picture. After all, if I tucked tail and ran... I was clearly not the one for the job.

Anywho, I made a conscious decision to go for what I wanted. I envisioned myself in the role. Hell, I even saw what I would do with the increased pay! Point being, I saw it into reality! See where I’m going with this?

Another example is my amazingly awesome husband. We were just dating at the time and I started to hear the ole biological clock ticking. It was becoming shyt or get off the pot time in my eyes. I kept thinking, "I will never get married... I'm just not the marrying type." This was me standing in the way of my own blessings. It took a good friend suggesting that I write out a list of all the qualities I wanted in a husband and enclose it in my bible. I didn't realize at the time that this was her giving me point-blank instructions on how to create my own reality. She was shifting my focus on what I didn't want, to what my heart desired.

I can't tell you how long it took from the point of my list writing to the actual proposal, but I can tell you that I still have that list to this day. The best part is that when I look back upon that list, I am constantly reminded of all the wonderful parts of my hubbykins. He is everything on that list and so much more!

Bottom line is this: Energy flows to where attention goes. So instead of focusing on the negative... put that same energy into the positive and watch how things start to shift! Remember, you and you alone are responsible for creating your own reality... If you want more, if you want different, if you want better... See it into existence! It takes the same amount of energy but the results are so much more awesome!

Is it time for you to shift your focus and energy?

*Peace and Blessings*
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