The Eye of the Storm

Being an Empath/ Super Sensitive is no joke! My struggle with this is that I can often come off appearing to be some sort of psychopath. I go from super happy...

To sad/angry and everything in between....

Sure! I've been called crazy... and I've even absorbed that label to the point that I thought it actually described who I was on the soul level. Same as the words, "stupid", "silly", "dumb"... Hell, who wouldn't with these types of mood swings?!  Isn't it funny how we have the tendency to allow the 'negative' words to become who we are, over the 'positive' ones?

Well, I've taken a step back to see the bigger picture. Wanna know what I saw? I'm a big ass storm! No, seriously... magnitude = destruction unlike the world has ever seen. Yet I currently stand as the eye of the storm... no longer being pulled into the chaos of those swirling around me. No longer feeling baited into devastation, for the sake of  'being there'. I am learning that I can hold space as the eye of the storm and maintain my truth; which is synonymous with peace and clarity, whilst pulling those that are willing into my calm. I'm so over being pulled into storms... It's time to hold my ground!

Total disclosure:

This is not easy either... this means I can no longer wander over to others that I see embracing darkness for fear of the light. Truth is, everyone has their own path with choices to make along the way and I do not choose to claim the power to take away the free-will of another. However, I can choose to remain still instead of steering off course and creating undue chaos for myself. So I will remain still. Those that wish to reach out are welcome with open arms, knowing that I will never judge or share their personal stories. 

Its own my power time!

*Peace and Blessings*

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