Upgrades and Shyt!

OK, so Mercury Retrograde has been kicking my ass! I had a computer completely crash, a charger meet its demise, a cell phone drain like.... A lot .... Let's just say technology has not been my BFF this M.R. HOWEVER, I am sooooo happy to report that I've officially kicked good ole MR's ass right back! Well, with the help of my hubbykins! After setting the charger in rice to dry, deleting some apps from the phone annnnnddddd *drum roll please*; receiving a new laptop (which was a super pleasant surprise)... I'm totally winning this round!

I've since been able to catch-up on readings, update some shit and do some other shtuff. Y'all know I love graphic descriptions. lol ;)

What's the point of this post you ask, besides bragging on the awesomeness in my life? Well, I'll tell ya! It's to show that although I felt like I was kicked in the nuts (if I had some)... I was not as defeated as I was tempted to feel. Sometimes things begin to go haywire because something better is lining up right behind. Thing of it is, we often are blinded by the presence of what we are used to that we don't see the blessings behind them. So Spirit will then kick the-ever-loving-shit outta whatever is standing in the way of us and the thing that we are supposed to receive, even if that means making us uncomfortable and fret in the interim.

"Know what I mean, Vern?!"  


Bottom line is this:
Sometimes things have to break before we realize we need to move on to something new (and better). Don't be satisfied with mediocre, when extraordinary is your true destiny. SHAZAM!!!

*Peace and Blessings*

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