It Ain't Easy

What is the definition of, "thick skin"?

  • Is it when someone calls you out of your name and you are able to defend yourself; or when you pay no attention? 
  • Is it when you face obstacles that are set-up with the sole purpose of testing your fortitude and are able to make your way to the other side with no scars, or is it just making it across with many scars? 

What is thick skin?...

  • Is it the direct result from sitting in the sun too long without wearing sunscreen? 
  • Is it being able to face this world's shortcomings without being fazed? 
What the hell is it?! I'm asking because that's all I seem to hear constantly, but I have no clue what it truly means.

Perhaps that's the 'problem' though... I'm so often trapped in the notion of a thing that I am told I should be, that I cease to exist within my truest, most organic form. You see, there are so many labels that we tend to use as a people: happy, sad, angry, dumb, pretty, ugly, smart, the list could go on and on. Yet, here we are existing within this journey and trying to figure things out based on our own experiences. How does one eliminate labels when that is what we are taught to embrace?

Here's what I know:
The world is shifting and changing faster than the speed of light (whatever that may be), and yet our 'problems' seem to be becoming more and more primitive in nature. (Apologies if that seems like a judgement, that's just how I roll at times.) But there I go, getting away from the main topic at hand; what was that topic again? Oh yea, "It Ain't Easy".

Thing of it is, nothing is simple and at the same time; EVERYTHING is simple. Such a paradox we find ourselves in. This is where we have to bring everything back to the most fundamental of basics. We must remember to begin from within. If we don't like something, we must understand the fact that our impact, although extending far beyond our reach is just that... Ours. Realistically, we have zero control over the outcome of another, other than to have influence on their decisions. Everything is so cylindrical that I get dizzy just thinking about it. I suppose that's why we are charged with becoming the change we wish to see, as opposed to creating or manufacturing the change.

Awakening is confusing, y'all! Then again, that's just my feeling right now... It'll be different in 5-minutes.

*Peace and Blessings*

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