Help Me... Help You

I experience and 'see' things so that I might help you understand when you do. If you have questions, concerns, doubts, whatever... reach out to me! I don't bite, I will never judge. I am here to help YOU!

Or maybe you're just curious about all the supernatural shtuff I have and still experience. It's difficult to narrow down, if I'm being quite honest. Mostly because I don't know what you do and do not see, hear, smell, etc. Ya see, we all exist within our own worlds of understanding. (Wait a minute that was deep.... Did you pick up what I just put down?!)

We all exist within our own worlds of understanding. 

Basically that means, our previous experiences and perceptions based on those experiences are what determine our reality. Do you taste the same sweet, succulent sensations as I do when you eat chocolate? Perhaps it's what I think of as 'salty' to you, yet for you... that is Heaven. It's all quite complex, yet so simple at the same time.

But I don't want to confuse you... so I'll just leave that notion right there.

Truth is, I'm a fairly fucked up individual... lol... Seriously. I have struggles, doubts, insecurities and all that other bullshit. Yet, I also have greatness within me; a grande gift of Super Sensitivity that I used to consider to be a curse in my life. I walk through life wondering what I'm really here to do. What is my purpose? What is my greater destiny? The funny thing is.. I'm so busy complicating things that I always forget that life is about the journey, not the destination. So by remaining organic in my awesome, yet fucked up form... I AM fulfilling my 'greater purpose'. Yet and still because I am me, I'm always looking for what more I can do. What else can I contribute to my family, my friends, society...?

Duh, Marisa... it's already taking place! I've been teaching as long as I've been breathing (OK, maybe there was a small break in work during those infant/toddler years, but you know what the hell I'm talkin about). So I'm adding yet another log on the ole fire! [Officially]

I'm here to help you! Let my experiences offer opportunity for teaching/ learning. Truth is, I have these moments to help you ease into yours. No, the stories aren't identical but our lights run parallel when they aren't perpendicular and all those other mathematical directions.

Long story kinda short.... If you are 'going through' the heebie jeebie experiences. If you see the shadows or hear the voices... then let's talk! Seriously, I love this shit! It's high time that we connect our lights and remove the stigma from living in the land of all things 'woo-woo'.

You're Not Crazy... Just Weird
And that's why the world needs YOU!

*Peace & Blessings*

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