Taking A Break... Again
As you may have noticed, I've been M.I.A. lately. This is due to several reasons, but mainly because in the list of priorities, my writing was pushed way down and other daily activities have taken precedence. Anywho, you all know that I can't stay away forever, so here goes nothing...
I would like to make my 'comeback' speaking about my 'comeback'. [Still following?]
For the first time in a very long time, I've been making myself a priority. No, I'm not talking about the idea; I've actually taken ACTION towards boosting myself towards where I want to be. So what has this looked like for me:
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I would like to make my 'comeback' speaking about my 'comeback'. [Still following?]
For the first time in a very long time, I've been making myself a priority. No, I'm not talking about the idea; I've actually taken ACTION towards boosting myself towards where I want to be. So what has this looked like for me:
- I've started accepting invites from friends to hang-out instead of looking for excuses as to why I can't go [when in reality I was being controlled by my anxieties].
- I've started to give myself permission to live within the moment and drop/reduce worry.
- I've worked towards eliminating the things/people in my life that did no more than create drama, stress or otherwise. Let me tell ya... This one has been MAJOR!
Speaking of distancing myself...
Facebook was the first method of emancipation. It's almost unbelievable how much stress I would welcome into my life from something as small as a post! I mean seriously; I would find myself becoming more and more irritated by what I deemed as inappropriate or asinine. I even found myself discussing these issues in my therapy sessions! Why did I give something so mundane, so much power over my emotional well-being? I suppose this would be a prime example of, 'ya live and ya learn'.
Although Facebook was a big part of my realization that I needed to take action towards making myself happier, it was not the only culprit of my anxieties. For example, I would find myself allowing laundry or dishes to stack up and then feel outrageous amounts of overwhelm and resentment once I had to finally give-in and take-care-of-business. Then I stepped back and thought, "self, why are you allowing things to get to a point that leads you into becoming some raging maid-monster?!" That was the moment I went all clean crazy and worked towards staying AHEAD of the work as opposed to allowing things to gather to the point of triggering me.
Are you noticing a trend yet?
Basically what I've learned [among many other lessons] was to claim my power over situations. I determine my responses in most cases, so why not use that power to keep myself in a place of love and light?! It is totally empowering to know that I can often control my triggers. I'm FINALLY beginning to find comfort in my own skin; and the things that make me feel less than stellar are no longer a concern.
What are YOU giving power that you can have control over?
*Peace and Blessings*
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Your support is greatly appreciated
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