Off The Meds!

I've been off my meds for about 1-2 months (who has time to keep track of time when you have kids). I was on a few for depression and super-anxiety. Funny thing is I feel like I actually have MORE energy now and... Wait for it.... I'm becoming so much nicer! Like, seriously... half the time I don't recognize myself and the other half, I disgust myself.

....It wouldn't be so strange if I didn't have the reputation and general personality of
Daria Morgendorffer.... 

Anywho, I digressed.

Lately I've been stepping WAY outside of my comfort zone, guys and gals! I've been accepting invitations; which for me and all my anxiety is a HUGE step. I usually would just think of an excuse in order to not have to say yes, or I would simply avoid the possibility of being invited somewhere or do something, all together.

Sunday was my second Zumba class with a friend... not to mention, I've been going to Spin Class (on my own) and I've attended a boot camp class (on my own). No, this may not sound like much, but you have to understand the level of anxiety I've suffered. I literally have anxiety every minute of every day. From something routine like walking my kids to school, to having to go to a different ALDI location because my usual location is closed for construction.... I ALWAYS have anxiety! My head constantly races with scenarios from mild to complete devastation. My heart races every time I have to leave my home. And the cherry on top?.... My "Gifts".

These gifts open me to absorb the emotional highs and lows of those that I have, or ever will care about. Not to mention, every time I have a vision I somehow have it stored in my mind forever no matter how scarring or joyous. Then we have the readings that open me to roaming into the energy of those that call upon me.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down?.... This shit is not for the feeble. Does this make me some sort of extra strong person?... Nope. (As I mentioned, I was on meds people!)

Yet, here I am... Off the meds and shit... Not only surviving, but thriving! So what does that say? Hell if I know. But my guess is that I needed a bridge to get me here and perhaps those pills were literally just what the doctor ordered.

What's the fucking point, you ask? The point is; everything happens for a reason. It may seem as if we are stuck, but as long as we are willing to persist; we have an opportunity to achieve more regardless of the 'burden' that opportunity may seem to carry. Don't get discouraged. Perhaps now is the time to get off of your metaphorical meds too.

*Peace and Blessings*

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