Fearing Truth
I'm about to speak real truth here... so if you aren't ready to receive it, exit this post. Go ahead, I'll wait.
If you are still reading it's because you are curious, tired, brave or a combination of various things. Now keep in mind that this may not pertain to you; however; even I can take heed from my own words as it deals with doing even more towards creating a better day.
So here is what I know... I believe in action. Sure I write these blog posts and wrap-up my emotions in a package of transparency in hopes of revealing lessons in a tangible way. Yet, if I took no action, these articles might as well be typed on toilet paper because they would only be good for crap. I'm about stepping up and taking action when others choose to offer nods of agreement and smirks of humorous understanding. To this I say... go back to bed; you are not ready to wake-up. And you know what, that's OK... you shouldn't have to be someone or something that you aren't.
Right now if you are reading this, you might be sensing my frustration. I am finding it difficult to understand those that offer the status likes, the re-posts, the shares, or even the ones that read from dark corners while pretending to not be aware of the message being shared when addressed publicly. I do get that we must crawl before we can walk, and I am working on my patience as it pertains to advancement in relation to my efforts, but folks... even I have my moments. Yet I digress.
Truth is; it shouldn't take tragedy for us to realize that we need to embrace the moments; and work towards creating change for a better today. Yet, if that is your motivator for awakening... allow the hurt and sorrow to lead the way! Why do you not openly acknowledge the need for change? Is it because you fear being seen as an extremist, revolutionary, oddball or heaven's forbid a person of true passion? Why do you whisper of spiritual revolution when you need to reflect it? Why are you Fearing Truth? Are you happy with the world as it exists today... do you foresee things as being good for our future generations?
I'm literally at a loss. What do YOU need to happen before you step-up? Do something... anything...
BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE . This means today... for tomorrow may never come!
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Marisa Moments Website Twitter: @MarisaMoments Facebook: MarisaMoments Email: Marisa@marisamoments.com |
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Well, were you inspired?...