Seems, at times, that the central lesson in my life is to let go. It's such a difficult concept to me that I have to revisit it over-and-over just to make sure I can embed the reality into the fiber of my existence. As I continue and progress throughout my life's journey, I am forced to face my emotions in such a real way. I am no longer allowed to pretend to be over something or someone, when spirit continues to bring them to my heart. Does this mean that I still have a lesson to learn?... Perhaps. Or perhaps I have tethered myself to yesterday, for fear of releasing myself completely to my today and tomorrow. There is safety in having secure footing in what was, for fear of venturing into the unknown of what will be.
Yet, I am coming to realize the repercussions of my actions. My secure footing in what I perceive to be stability is actually preventing my progress. I am creating my own blocks and hurdles out of fear. Fear of rejection, judgment, mistakes, etc. I place myself in a bubble because I fear the notion of being pricked by the thorns of life. The funny thing is my bubble only provides protection in my mind. In reality, I have been through the mud, ditch, dragged across the tracks and back! I can only chuckle at how my frame of thought shapes my reality, until I take a moment to see the bigger picture.
I know that I have endless amounts of potential within my being. I simply need to release the "buts" that offer excuse and escape, preventing me from crossing the threshold of my comfort; which would take me to a place of discomfort, yet possible achievement. Truth is my best achievements have come from stepping outside of my comfort zone and exposing myself to that which I fear. Had I never released myself from the restraints of the past; taken steps to reveal my truths; along with so many other leaps.... I would not be the person I am today. Yet and still, the beauty lies within the realization that my happiness in this moment is not the glass ceiling... It is only the beginning.
From this day forward, I will not "but" myself out of opportunity by letting fear rule my actions, thoughts and words. I will exist within my truth, not allow myself to be controlled by my fears and take risks for the sake of me. I am worth it!
From this day forward, I will not "but" myself out of opportunity by letting fear rule my actions, thoughts and words. I will exist within my truth, not allow myself to be controlled by my fears and take risks for the sake of me. I am worth it!
*Peace and Blessings*
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Well, were you inspired?...