The Rain
I went to the store, as I often do, but as I was leaving my home, I contemplated my outerwear. Should I wear my usual hat? I see my rain boots at the door, staring at me... nah; I'll go with the gym-shoes instead. I headed out the door in anticipation of what would greet me as I exited the building. I could feel the humidity in the air, screaming for me to take off my jacket; so I followed instruction.
As I walked, while listening to my "motivation" mix on my I-pod, I realized that I felt different from when I usually walk to the store. Ooops, I had forgotten to shrink down my brow chakra (is that the official name?)... No wonder I was feeling a rush of various emotions. I had in effect, forgotten to hang my closed sign and was still receiving empathic feeds. You never truly realize the amount of the latent emotions within others until you begin accepting their unspoken vibrations as truth. There is so much raw emotion festering inside all of us, quietly stewing while we outwardly display our masks of comfort. For instance, there were a group of guys hanging on the corner, and as I passed through the small crowd, I could feel the sorrow, the anguish, the disassociation, the fear, among a host of other things. Yet not one would look me in the eye, nor shake their outward hard appearance for a moment, for fear of appearing like less than a man.
So I continued to the store, completed my shopping and headed to check-out. Now this was where my true Marisa Moment came into play. The cashier asked if I needed assistance with my bags, at which point I told her I was walking. I then continued the conversation in response to her silent stare of, "how in the hell are you going to carry a cart load of bags?" I informed her of my expandable book bag on wheels and the further informed her that I'm a Tetris queen when it comes to arranging an entire cart of items into my magical backpack.
*Seriously, I said all of this.
You can only imagine the chuckle she gave me. Then I noticed the rain had begun, to which I said... "Looks like I get a free shower tonight." -This is a true conversation folks- She gave me a sigh and said, "oh no, I'm sorry." To which my response was.... "It’s OK, we don't hide from the rain; we dance in it." Needless to say she gave me the all-known smile of endearment, and then wished me well and I walked away feeling terrific! The more I say the things that I normally only think, the happier I become and the more able I am to receive messages from spirit.
As I was on the return walk home, I could only smile and walk in tune with the music because with each step I took in the rain; the freer I could feel myself becoming. So, today... I danced in the rain and it felt fan-friggin-tastic!!!!! You should try it sometimes.
*Peace and Blessings*
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