It's Not Me, It's You
I have never been guilty of anything in my life. I've never hurt anyone's feelings, never done anything that could be interpreted as bad or wrong and I've certainly never crossed any unstated boundaries.
Hahahaha!!!! OK, now let's check back into reality for a minute. Truth is I'm as 'guilty' as the next. I'm not proud of any of my past mistakes and I don't even beam at the thought of the potential for future transgressions. I am human having a human experience and must therefore give myself space to live and err as humans do. You see sometimes it's so easy for me to get wrapped up in my journey that I often forget about those around me. I forget that everyone's journey leads to different stops along the way. And these stops welcome points of view that vary from that of my own. Please don't presume that I'm indicating that either path or perspective is better or worse; I'm mentioning this because frankly, I need to ease up at times.
It might be the lack of food during the daylight hours that is bringing me to higher clarity, or it could simply be that I am becoming more self-aware as it pertains to how I relate to those around me. I have seen that I have the tendency to speak too quickly. I don't always give the other person full chance to express what it is they wish to say. I jump straight ahead to the last page of the proverbial book in many given situations and forget that freewill can change outcomes in the blink of an eye. I don't grant opportunities as freely as I should.
No, I'm not kicking myself or even airing this laundry as a means of self-deprecation. I am instead sharing this because I think it to be important and crucial towards my growth and development. If I am to truly coexist with respect of others that pose thoughts that contradict that of my own, I must realize that it is NOT my duty to change minds or lives. My purpose is simply to live my truth, and in doing so encourage others to do the same. I share my gifts because we all know that a gift that is not given is purposeless.
I'm starting to get it a bit more. But the funny thing is that IT is nothing that can ever truly be reached. This is an ongoing process that will continue until my last breath. It is something that will look completely different from all angles and will cause me to be a consummate beginner even as I near the end. As in Taoism... everything I need is within me. The same goes for you. This journey isn't about being right or being wrong; it just is.
*Peace and Blessings*
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