Out of the Mouth of Babes
This weekend I went outside of my comfort zone and took my kids to the park without having my husband at my side. I'm aware that it may not sound like a big deal, but to me it's everything. You see I'm a HSP (highly sensitive person); and I'm learning how deep these sensitivities truly run. (I'll be vid'ding on the subject very soon.)
Anywho, I'm at Wally-World with my oldest shopping for groceries for ohhhh, the month and my anxiety is sky-high. I breathe my way through the entire thing and just as we are ready to check-out, I see my youngest running over, followed by my hubbykins (they were in the car as she napped). Long story short, my hubby has to walk off for a moment, leaving me with my girls. My oldest then decides that it's the perfect time to break out in song and dance... at which point my anxiety has me close to full, "shut everything down mode".
I tell her to cool her jets and then the three year old, whom I'm holding at this point; says to me, "Mommy, it's ok... she's just being silly, it's ok to be silly see look!" Then she goes ahead to make a super silly face. All I could do was laugh and hold her even tighter.
Sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me... I start feeling the energy of everyone around me and the messages surround me like a tornado. So I am super grateful for my grounding forces, my family. At times it's my hubby just walking over with a hug, other times it my oldest pulling me into a dance battle and others... my three year old spouting wisdom beyond her years.
Truth is, I am a highly sensitive person; but I don't need to use it as an excuse to exacerbate my agoraphobia. Instead, I have to push myself beyond my comforts and choose to live! After all, time waits for none and if I'm not careful I will look back on these years with regret for all of the things I didn't do, instead of having fond memories of all the things that did happen.
So, how are YOU going to 'delete' the thoughts telling you what not to do and start living more?
*Peace and Blessings*
Your support is greatly appreciated

I tell her to cool her jets and then the three year old, whom I'm holding at this point; says to me, "Mommy, it's ok... she's just being silly, it's ok to be silly see look!" Then she goes ahead to make a super silly face. All I could do was laugh and hold her even tighter.
Sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me... I start feeling the energy of everyone around me and the messages surround me like a tornado. So I am super grateful for my grounding forces, my family. At times it's my hubby just walking over with a hug, other times it my oldest pulling me into a dance battle and others... my three year old spouting wisdom beyond her years.
Truth is, I am a highly sensitive person; but I don't need to use it as an excuse to exacerbate my agoraphobia. Instead, I have to push myself beyond my comforts and choose to live! After all, time waits for none and if I'm not careful I will look back on these years with regret for all of the things I didn't do, instead of having fond memories of all the things that did happen.
So, how are YOU going to 'delete' the thoughts telling you what not to do and start living more?
*Peace and Blessings*
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