Running on "E"
I've noticed something about myself lately. It's not that it is based on anything new; it's just that I never really stopped to think about it until now. Thing is... I am constantly finding myself running on "E". Ya know, like a car... I'm noticing that I've been seeing the ole gas light warning come on, yet I continue to push the limits figuring that I have at least another 10 miles before I'll be pushing into a fill station.
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Welllll, let me tell ya something!

I don't know if it's the Mommy in me or the whole, you're a chick and should be selfless.... Orrrrr maybe it's just how I roll but I'm just doing too damn much! I have this habit of allowing things to pile on my back to the point where I finally break from the weight and that's when I just snap! I try to remain cognizant of when I'm approaching that point, but it never fails to sneak up on me and kick my ass!
So what is the lesson when I find myself in this infinite loop of giving so much that I find myself running on nothing but the dust particles in the air? It's that I MUST take time for myself. I must find my voice before I get to the point of break and persist in allowing myself to have the same permissions that I endlessly grant unto others. {That sounded way more, "holier than thou" than I meant it to.}
Bottom line is this: I cannot continue to give from an empty cup. So instead I must accept the fact that although I am Super Woman (seriously, you should see my cape); that I too need to take pause for self-care. Lately that's been in the form of a workout class (that borderline kills me and I love it) and in semi-monthly Mama Meditations. Lord only knows that I need the focus and reharge!
Bottom line is this: I cannot continue to give from an empty cup. So instead I must accept the fact that although I am Super Woman (seriously, you should see my cape); that I too need to take pause for self-care. Lately that's been in the form of a workout class (that borderline kills me and I love it) and in semi-monthly Mama Meditations. Lord only knows that I need the focus and reharge!
And yes, this is about you too! If you find yourself in the natural state of giving ALL THE TIME, to the point of break; then consider doing something for yourself. It's NOT selfish, it's simply self-care! And no, this doesn't only apply to women.
Being the change includes making sure that you are able to stand long enough to represent that which you wish to see occur in the world. You won't be able to stand if you continuously run on fumes.
*Peace and Blessings*
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