Try To Look Away
I don't like watching the news; it's just too damned depressing!
I can barely stand hearing stories of physical assaults happening in the world, because it hurts my heart.
I need to focus on the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff...
I've been trying to wear my latest style of rose colored glasses, yet am finding myself struggling with their fit. I put them on and they slide down my nose. I put them on and they get stuck in my hair. I put them on and they don't block the glare in my eyes. So why do I continue to try to put them back on?

This world is trending in a direction that is almost too much to bear. The lines between "good guys" and "bad guys" have become so blurred that one is difficult to distinguish from the other. I saw this all coming in several visions, and sadly I have seen even more that is to come. The world is waking up from their comfortable slumber. It is becoming more and more difficult to remain asleep when the very bed we lie on is being shaken by the likes of the most violent Earth Quake known to man.
I have always said that the world doesn't produce new things, but instead it recycles. Yet, there is no jubilation behind seeing proof time-and-again of this truth. I do know that we are capable of so much more, so much better... But we have to be willing to acknowledge the true fuckery behind the actions in the world today before we can hope to be the change.
It's time to wake-up! Take off your rose colored glasses and be ready to see the harsh truths that are getting closer and closer to you. How can we make things better? What can we do?
I don't know about you but I am finding it more and more difficult to turn away while allowing the 1% to sway my gaze by way of sheepish distractions. You don't have to agree with my stance on things in order to recognize that the system is broken....

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Well, were you inspired?...