♦ Visions: What Does The Sheep Say? ♦
My visions today were exceptionally stronger than usual, so I am feeling very compelled to share them with you.
I saw a new "rib joint" opening up in town. This wouldn't normally call for attention except for the location of this place being in a residential area normally completely engulfed in "low income-urban" houses. This new restaurant was hence looked to be a great welcome to a place not accustomed to being the recipient of new businesses.
The locale would end up being important because of the true 'intent' behind this new establishment.
The business thrived whilst the clientele became more 'addicted' to the food whilst simultaneously becoming more aggressive.... but no one noticed the correlation. Until one day a new customer went to buy what everyone had been raving about. She noticed that people looked as if they were turning blue, yet no one seemed to speak about it! She wondered, "does no one else see what is happening?!"
Of course she no longer wanted to eat there, but it seemed as if the people around her kept trying to 'peer pressure' her into eating. She knew then that something was definitely wrong...
I could go with my personal theories on how the government implants certain businesses in predominantly minority communities to cause a misguided desire for 'things' that would ultimately lead to division between the have and have nots... but trust, you don't want me on that pulpit.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Purchase your copy of, "Marisa Moments: Begin YOUR Journey" TODAY!!!
I saw a new "rib joint" opening up in town. This wouldn't normally call for attention except for the location of this place being in a residential area normally completely engulfed in "low income-urban" houses. This new restaurant was hence looked to be a great welcome to a place not accustomed to being the recipient of new businesses.
The locale would end up being important because of the true 'intent' behind this new establishment.
The business thrived whilst the clientele became more 'addicted' to the food whilst simultaneously becoming more aggressive.... but no one noticed the correlation. Until one day a new customer went to buy what everyone had been raving about. She noticed that people looked as if they were turning blue, yet no one seemed to speak about it! She wondered, "does no one else see what is happening?!"
Of course she no longer wanted to eat there, but it seemed as if the people around her kept trying to 'peer pressure' her into eating. She knew then that something was definitely wrong...
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~☆~ But what does it all mean?.... ~☆~
I could go with my personal theories on how the government implants certain businesses in predominantly minority communities to cause a misguided desire for 'things' that would ultimately lead to division between the have and have nots... but trust, you don't want me on that pulpit.
So we'll go with option 2:
Don't be a sheep.
Don't be a sheep.
I suppose they state similar thoughts through different approach but I'm hoping you get the drift. This does not only have to be on a global level, this could apply to situations in your work, home, relationships, etc. Listen to yourself. 
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Your support is greatly appreciated
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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Well, were you inspired?...