Random Thoughts

*I'm very narcissistic... I only care about things that relate to me.

*I think everyone stereotypes others; whether its intentional or not... They do. I mean, if someone calls me Maria one more time; I'm going to scream!

*ever have days where you hate everyone?... I do and today is one of those days

*i'm friendlier to "the crazies" than I am to "the norms". Guess its self preservation :o/

*i wish I could make cotton yoga pants the uniform of the universe (hmmmmm... Its officially going on the to-do list)

*i have no knuckles (lol)

*heard about a woman getting a mistaken deposit of 88Billion bucks; thought what I would do in that situation. Results: 1 billion to each friend/ family member (that we deem worthy)... Buy a private jet CASH and off to Europe for my new life. Did I mention my swedish bank account? Yeeeeeaaaaa... That money is NOT going back. P.S. I'd so quit my gig by finally having the rock star moment of my dreams.

*i fantasize about slapping the shyt out of someone at least twice a day

*still in the process of getting my last name changed over. Why is it so easy to get married but crazy difficult to change a name? There should be a newsletter that goes out once your social security card is updated. Now I see why some women keep their names (its not feminist... Its just easiest)

*Super late!... Oh well

*i wonder what people think when they see me

*do suburbanites ever regret their life decisions?

*just because I have a kid... Doesn't make me a kid-person

*why do some men refuse to wear coats?

*why is hair so important?

*why do we focus on brands as a status symbol?... Do you think cattle look at it the same?

*just found out this weekend that old people often don't realize they are old... Does this mean that I'm old and am simply in denial?

*the realization that your career is now your job that has turned into work is very deflating. Corporate America needs to get it together... So that I can.

*are speech impediments contagious?

*i don't think there was one exact moment that lead to me losing my mind... It was a buffet of events

*why do I torture myself by listening to wrist slicing music when I'm feeling depressed? (Oh darkness... How I embrace thee)

*just threw napkins away and then proceeded to wipe my mouth with my hand... Yup, I'm filthy

*redeye newspaper is rolling around on the bus like its own urban tumbleweed

*i used to wonder why people listened to their music so loud and would always be completely annoyed by the blatant disregard for others; however now I can appreciate the need to shut out the assholes of the world

*i have one of thee shortest attention spa

*i love angry chick music... Does that make me a feminist?


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