Lettin YOU know!
Not JUdgIn, jUst SayIn:
What you ShouLd knOw AbouT ME:
-i don't like/ want to be touched! And I'm not afraid to tell you
-as my age goes up... My Tolerance for ignorance goes down
-don't toss things at me... We aren't cool like that
-"don't touch my baby lady!" (Why the hell do people want to touch babies anyway... it's weird and creepy)
-don't ask why I have a tape measure in my purse... Just be grateful
RanDOM thOUghT(S):
-i wonder if people think I'm homeless because of all the bags I carry
-i refuse to move because I was here 1st (when it comes to the CTA)
- people that yawn without covering their mouths should get mouth punches
- loudness does not equal cuteness
What you ShouLd knOw AbouT ME:
-i don't like/ want to be touched! And I'm not afraid to tell you
-as my age goes up... My Tolerance for ignorance goes down
-don't toss things at me... We aren't cool like that
-"don't touch my baby lady!" (Why the hell do people want to touch babies anyway... it's weird and creepy)
-don't ask why I have a tape measure in my purse... Just be grateful
RanDOM thOUghT(S):
-i wonder if people think I'm homeless because of all the bags I carry
-i refuse to move because I was here 1st (when it comes to the CTA)
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