They Didn't think I had it in me...

Marisa Moment #644354-5 ---
Can you believe a temp tried to test me?!!!!  Okay, not to put down someone and be a position snob.... but really?!  Picture this:

Chick comes to my door and interrupts a conversation already in progress with the line, "excuse me... *insert dramatic pause here*... but this is business." 
She proceeds to approach my desk and asks for some paperwork. 
[By this time I can already feel my head becoming hot; but I'm trying to push forward.]

Me: "It'll be ready in a few"
Temp: "Well, what's a few?!"
Me: *vein bulging out of forehead and neck* "when it's ready... it'll be ready.  Now have a good day!"

Ahhhhhhh, the calming affect of putting an overbearing ner-do-well in her place.  *smirk crosses face*

Oh, did I mention I took the forms to her and threw them at her?  (okay, that might've been a bit much but as Confucius say... "f%ck her"... errrr, maybe someone else said it)


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