Yo CRaZy a$$!!!

MM#36873647 = Results of the assault heard round the world?
I'm now pledged to a few things:
  • Paranoia
  • Listening to only one ear bud
  • Constant surveying of immediate and not-so-immediate areas around me
  • Sitting only in the front of the bus
  • Soon-to-have Pepper Spray

Random Thought -
Is it impossible to have some sort of metal detector on public transit?  I mean... more specifically a "You're crazy as hell... let's make sure you aren't packing detector"

HaRsh RealiZatiOn:
Crazy people can do whatever they want to people without real repercussions because, "they are insane".... to which I say, "BuLLsH!t"

Just saw a quick blurb on WGN News [I love them because they are crazy.... hmmmm; I'm seeing a crazy trend].  Sorry I digressed.
Anywho... WESTSIDE STORY is having a reunion!!!
Okay, before I get too excited; I should probably find out if anyone is in a wheelchair now or uses a walker.  Because I'm sorry, but I care not to see a high kick if you need the support of a walker for stability.  Wha?... I'm just sayin!


  1. From Craig, your friend

    Girl, you really do have some wild thoughts. Hillarious, but wild.

  2. LOL @Craig... I know. Perhaps thats why crazy people are drawn to me. *scratches chin* ;o)


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