Positive Impact
We've all been in a moment where someone does something that irritates us. I used to have these moments seemingly every 15 minutes!
>”watch your step, you almost touched me”
>”why is he/she staring at me?... What's their problem?!!”
>”why won't he/she just stop talking, can't he see that I don't care?!”
>Etc, etc, etc...
Being on this journey is allowing me to put things in greater perspective. Perhaps certain actions cannot be helped. Perhaps that person that irritates is simply trying to capture attention because they see something in you that they wish to emulate.
Our actions have a greater affect than we will ever comprehend.... So why not be the bigger person? Or why not share a harmless moment with someone that will, in turn, treasure the memory? Leave a positive impression today; after all, once we are gone it is only the memories that will remain.
”Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones...”
-William Shakespeare - Friends, Romans, countrymen (from Julius Caesar 3/2)
With this said, I'm not suggesting to foster a toxic relationship just for the sake of memories. I'm simply saying that we should be more cognizant of our lasting affects on others.
How do you plan on making a positive impact today?...
*Become the change you wish to see*
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