Expect the Best

I used to always tell myself to expect the worst and that I couldn't count on anyone for anything.  It makes me a little sad just thinking about it.

Truth is, that was my hurt talking... Not my heart.

I've found that giving people the benefit of doubt makes me so much happier.  It removes pressure from myself and removes pressure from the other party.   I realize that not everyone will operate as I would in most situations and I'm okay with it.

Do I get disappointed at times?... Certainly, but I refuse to allow one passing emotion to dictate my potential for ongoing happiness. 

So today,
... I choose to be happy.
... I choose to not get caught up in negative thoughts
... I choose to not allow a single disappointment frame my opinion of someone
... I choose to expect the best

*Become the change you wish to see*


  1. You are amazing to be so positive. Plus, you have me to carry that torch of hate and anger for you. Grr, baby! Grr! ;-)

    1. Thanks, babe!!! I can't be angry because you make me so happy!


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