Guard your Words
I used to think that saying whatever was on my mind (regardless of content) was just me, 'keeping it real'. I figured that if the person didn't want to hear what I had to say, they could leave my presence. Thinking of it now makes me realize how mistaken I was....
Don't get me wrong, I do believe that we all have the right to be assertive and stand up for ourselves under the right circumstances. However, I don't think that cruelty has to be included in delivery.
Sometimes holding back is necessary. It does not make you fake. Quite the contrary, it makes you human.
So today, and moving forward I say; Guard Your Words. Follow the rules below:
-Is it true?
-Is it necessary?
-Is it kind?
Based on your responses, you will know if you should move forward with your words. Just remember that conversations, although they may seem harmless and/or superficial have a tendency to stay with people. Make good memories...
*Peace and Blessings*
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