A Work in Progress
I know that I still have work to do on my spiritual journey when I become irritated by simple things. I'm quite simply... A Work in Progress.
Through meditation and prayer I have opened my eyes to many things, most of which pertain to me as an individual. Self discovery is key in transitioning towards becoming the change we wish to see in the world. As previously mentioned, I have noticed that small things have the tendency to get under my skin. Mostly because I tend to be a controlling person, but also because I no longer see value in things that appear, to me, to be inconsequential to the 'big picture'.
I find excessive extravagance to be wasteful, I lose interest in things that I once sought out as 'sad sources of entertainment', etc. At my core, I'm still the same person; however my viewpoint is changing towards favoring things that hold more substance. The beauty in this transition is that I have never been happier in all of my life. My life is blessed and my heart bursts with love and joy. I've never felt so grateful and yet so humble.
Look inward, recognize that we are all but works in progress. Choose to become the change you wish to see today.
*Peace and Blessings*
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