Ego Extraction

My job used to excite me.  In that I knew if I worked hard; I would be rewarded through recognition and rewards.  It was after years of being slighted on both fields that I became disheartened and felt as though my eyes had been opened.  The funny thing is, the truest reality was that I wasn't operating because I loved what I did... Instead, I excelled because of the endless unspoken promise of more.  It was always about me.

Part of my journey includes looking at myself closely for flaws as well as positive attributes.  I'm thinking this falls under the aforementioned category (flaws).

In life, we have such limited time, that we can't afford to waste any by forcing ourselves to remain in situations that don't grow us on intellectual, emotional or spiritual levels.  So instead of doing something for the sole purpose of what we can receive... It's as good a time as any to figure out what fulfills our true purpose.

Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that you can't pay rent with ”emotional fulfillment”, but if you want to do something... Do it!  Stop bogging yourself down in excuses on ”why not” and start focusing on first steps. 

When we do an Ego Extraction, we reveal our true purpose, our true path.  It is then, and only then that one will find fulfillment through vocation. 

*Peace and Blessings*


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