Let HIM Use You

I used to make excuses all of the time.  I would excuse the behavior of my friends/family/acquaintances by pointing fingers at the person next to them.  I would cite physical/ mental states as reasons behind actions.  [I.e.... "Oh, he/she is just tired].  But today?... Today I see the difference.

We go through different stages in our lives.  Some good and others... not so good.  However, at every stage along the way; we must acknowledge our own part(s) in all acts.  If you've done something wrong, you should own it and apologize (if possible).  Alternately however, if you've done something positive... don't expect a ticker-tape parade.  The good deed should be reward in itself.

Today I realize that some people allow themselves to be used as pawns of the enemy, whereas others are oblivious to his Machiavellian ways of manipulation.  So this is where I ask; which are you?!  (Of course this is only posed if you are in fact carrying out negative deeds.  Then again, I would like to think that you wouldn't purposely be doing bad acts.  But I digress)

Look at your actions.  Do they come from a good place? Are your intentions pure?  Who is guiding your actions, and even more importantly, your reactions?  Don't be a puppet of the enemy.  Be an instrument of what is righteous, Let HIM Use You.

*Be the change you wish to see in the world*


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