Refused Discouragement

Have you ever had one of those moments (days or years) that everything seems petty and/or annoying?...  And the more you hear of someone else's problems, the stronger your disdain for their version of catastrophe?

Well, today was harboring on being one of those days for me.  Don't get me wrong, I too recognize that my issues of the day are completely minute and inconsequential when compared to the big picture.  However I am human and I do experience moments of emotional weakness and discouragement.

It is in these moments that my Spiritual Journey and positivity shift is most challenged.  I must recognize and acknowledge that I am feeling a certain way and openly admit to myself that it isn't the vents of others that I'm annoyed with... It's myself.  I then will make the conscious decision to not allow discouragement into my heart.  In this moment I've taken command and ownership on myself and Refused Discouragement.

My Perception = My Reality... I choose to be in control of my emotions.  
I choose happiness.


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