Roses are for the Living

Today there was a bombing at the Boston Marathon.  It was a major tragedy for not only the victims of the senseless act of violence; but a tragedy for the world.  This act, along with the violence that is seen on a daily basis make my heart weep.

It weeps for all of us, human beings.  Because at the end of the day, that's precisely what we all are... Human Beings.  Yes, we have cultural differences and yes we have different beliefs; but we are all the same. 

-Why is this such a foreign concept?
-Why do we wait to celebrate each other as a memory in the aftermath of tragedy?
-Why do we aim to hurt one another?

The only good that ever comes of events such as this are the opportunities for momentary bonding during candlelit vigils and commemorative ceremonies. 

I don't mean to sound insensitive or to wear my frustration on my sleeve, but I do say all of this with a point...

Roses are for the Living.  We should embrace and celebrate each other while we are here.  We should show appreciation for one another and accept/respect differences instead of warring over them.

I don't know, maybe it's just me but these tragedies are so terrible because I feel that they are useless.  We are all the same and need to start acting like it.



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