
... We all have them; whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.  Sometimes they sneak up on us like thieves in the night and other times, they are planted in us by those that have even deeper Insecurities.  And since we're being honest, I'll just say that yes, I too have insecurities.  I try my best to manage them, but they pop-up quite often.

You know the thing of it is... I've noticed that my insecurities come from the comparisons that I grew-up thinking were a part of life.  I thought that by comparing myself to those around me, I was pushing myself to excel to a higher plain; when in fact I was simply setting myself up with road blocks upon road blocks.  Today, I can see that quite clearly.  However, there-in lies the problem.  How does one break a habit that has been in-grain from day-one?

My plan of attack is to simply, communicate how I feel.  Let those that I can trust know what I'm feeling, when I am feeling it.  But even more importantly... I must pray!  I pray to be released from the ties that tell me I need to be more like her, dress differently, speak a certain way, or even look like the movie stars (that don't even really look like their own Hollywood images).  I must accept that there is no such thing as perfect outside of HIM.  I must realize that those around me are there because they choose to be, not for an ulterior motive.  I must become comfortable in my own skin.

HE did not make me so that I could simply compare myself to my neighbor.  HE made me to stand-out as only I can.  HE made me to be his messenger.  HE made me to be who I am, and no one else.  Today, I will take true strides to embrace this.

*Be the change you wish to see*


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