Lesson Learned

I'm truly my harshest critic by far.  I place lofty expectations on myself that are quite often unrealistic.  The moment I realize that I haven't measured up to those expectations I find it very difficult to not shut completely down.

Today has been difficult for me and these expectations.  I feel upset with myself for not delivering when I feel people are depending on me.  It's only as I type this that I can recognize this is one instance outside of many, many others... This is the exception.  Yet, that somehow doesn't make me feel better about the situation.  And this, my friends, is where the lesson lies.

I am disheartened because of Earthly ties... I need to look for the silver lining (which always exists).  My Lesson Learned in this is that I cannot do everything alone.  Wait, scratch that... I can't do ANYTHING alone.  Encouragement and growth comes from HIM and HIM alone.  The moment I forget that and allow my ego to show itself, HE will teach me a lesson (just as any father would). 



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