HE never ceases to amaze me!
Today I was met with question. There was a definitive stance set against my journey, and although at the time I didn't recognize the enemy's plot.... he was foiled before he could even become a thought in my mind.
I am growing, I am recognizing my purpose and path being laid before me. Insecurities, negativity and doubt are the enemies favorite weapons of choice. he will try to creep into our existence with the softest whispers.
But HE is mighty! HE does not rely on cowardly tactics! HE will announce himself with roaring thunder! When you call to HIM, you need but look for the ways HE works through those around you.
Today HE was my advocate. And right now?... I am truly Overcome with HIS love and light.
Absolutely No weapons formed against me shall prosper. Not mental, nor physical, nor emotional! I stand tall in HIS favor!
*Peace and Blessings*
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