Mistake Your Kindness

I don't enjoy confrontation by any means.  However I also recognize that I can't be silent in some situations, as I'm inclined to stand-up for what I believe in. (which, I'm going to optimistically assume is a common thread in most people)

I state that because it is a fact that we are tested on a daily basis.  Of course the extreme to which we are tested as individuals varies greatly... yet we are all tested nonetheless.  It is in these tests that we tend to show our true selves; and I've been blessed of late to witness myself in the face of tribulations that had the potential to lead me down the road of venomous spite and anger.  However, it is through HIS grace that I actually surprised myself and was able to walk away in a manner that I perceive to be as dignified as the moment would allow.  Please don't mistake me as being cold or removed from the negativity of the overall situation, because I do hurt from the sadness of the moments; yet I simply choose to move forward.

The thing of it is... sometimes a muted tongue or censored conversations can be confused for weakness and an inability to stand-up for oneself.  When in reality sometimes censorship is in fact necessary to convey a message to someone that might otherwise shield themselves from truly hearing.  Think about it... would you be more prone to listen and learn from someone that approaches you in a calm, yet direct manner... or someone that charges you with raised voice?

The bottom-line is this.  Regardless of the situation, always be true to who you are.  Don't allow yourself to be reduced by any situation.  Yes, at times people will Mistake Your Kindness... but if you are in fact remaining authentic in your intentions, then nothing will be able to break you.

Today and moving forward I will chuckle and press on from the enemy's attempt at regressing my progress... I'm thankful for all experiences, fore I know the harder he tries to bring me down... the higher I am able to rise.

*No weapons formed against me shall prosper.  Not physical, emotional or spiritual.

~Peace and Blessings~


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