Perfection in Truth

Here's the thing... I count myself as very luck and blessed.  It's not because of any material goods, or even financial gains.  I'm blessed because I choose to focus on all the greatness HE has given me.  I have a great, happy/ healthy family and I don't have any unmet necessity in life.  Things are great.

No, I'm not bragging... I'm simply focusing on the positives in my current existence.  I have to do this in order to maintain positivity and happiness; as we are well aware that focusing on tomorrow brings us nothing but worry for today.

However, I'm not perfect [I've said it before and I will certainly say it again].  Case and point is an experience I had today.  You see I deliver messages.  Not the FedEx or UPS type messages/ packages... more of the, messages from beyond.  And in doing this, I must fully and completely trust that what I give is from HIS word and not allow my ego to manipulate the translation.  Of course this is a daily struggle, because well... 
1 - I don't want people to judge me and think I'm crazy
2 - I am very concerned with the message recipient's peace of mind and therefore push myself too hard in trying to help him/her in easing their emotional burden
3 - The list goes on and on.

Getting back to the story.  I delivered a message in my usual format and allowed the recipient an opportunity to accept what was given or ask questions for clarity.  However in this instance, the recipient essentially countered the entire message and stated that none of it rang true.  Now me being me [ego] was taken aback by this.  After all... I'm never wrong!  Yet, when I set my ego aside... I was able to explain the best manner in which these types of messages can be received in order to make sense as it is meant.  And with that... I let it go.  Well mostly... lol... I did check back when called upon and saw that in fact most of what I had given was offered by a new source in a slightly deviated format and was then accepted with open arms.  

You see!  This in itself was a lesson!  Faith is faith because we trust without seeing.  I mean I can't say that I believe in HIM and then peek every two seconds.  I must truly and fully trust, walk away and not look back unless called by HIM.  No one of us earthly beings is perfect... yet we can find Perfection in Truth when we lean on faith.

So from this, I will try very, very hard to give what I can and only return as HE calls me back.  I don't need to look over my shoulder for acknowledgement... as HE is my acknowledgement!  People will accept and believe as they choose, so when we aim to please others... we find ourselves running in circles.  Yet when we exist to please HIM and live by HIS word, we can never go wrong!

*Peace and Blessings*


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