
I feel that water is a great conductor for spirit.  It is a natural element found in nature and is used in one if the most holy of sacraments.  Water in its purest form even offers opportunity for Cleanse... It is nature's nectar.
I mention this to say that sometimes I find that I get caught in the web of life.  It is in these moments of hectic times that I am most wound up and most likely to misinterpret the signs before my eyes.  Therefore, it is imperative that in these moments I must focus on cleansing my soul.

I am now better able to recognize when I need to realign from within.  However the difficult task remains... How do I seclude myself without cutting off those nearest me? 

The answer is simple.  Turmoil, pressure, stress, ego changes people.... A slight respite to collect and reform self; allows those changes to be shaped into what we wish.  (Hopefully in the positive.)  So to understand and allow room for growth in another is a great gift.  It shows respect and love.  This is where I suggest taking a day-hour-15 minute break to reset.  The subsequent response by others is of no reflection to who you are; instead it is an outward truth of them. 

OK, maybe that wasn't that simple but I hope you are picking up what I'm putting down.  Bottom line: give yourself permission to reset because we cannot heal others if we forget to heal ourselves. 

*Peace and Blessings*


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