
Sometimes I get so consumed by the greater picture that I must remind myself to reel things in for the sake of enjoying and taking in the current moments that are taking place within my home and family.  Yes, the world is in great need of change and a peaceful revolution... but if we can't enjoy and celebrate the love that we experience on a daily basis; what is the point?  

So I've decided to brush aside calendar traditions and Hallmark dictations by truly enjoying and celebrating life.  For me, this means that I have a great Thanksgiving feast at any moment that I choose.  On these days we stay together as a family and even invite others over (if the spirit moves us to do so).  We relax, we laugh, we dance, we play music, and we enjoy and appreciate each other for who we are and not for whom we wish one another to be.  

However, this is just our Thanksgiving... that doesn't mean yours will look and/or feel the same.  Yet I invite you to march away from the structured path that determines when we should come together as a family or group to celebrate each other.  Make your own Valentine's Day, celebrate love when you feel it... not when you are told to display your affection based on sales in the neighborhood store.  If you prefer Halloween... create your own system, talk to your neighbors and organize a neighborhood trick-or-treat... or leave your cauldron to boil openly in February if you so feel moved.  Point is... there are no rules to acknowledging what is truly in your heart.

Let's start to think outside of the box and be true to ourselves by living through light and love.  It's time to get out of the boxes we've found ourselves calling home... choose to truly live.

*Celebrate Life today, my friends, tomorrow is not promised*

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