A Fixer

I am A Fixer... that's just what I do.  I see something that needs fixing and I am compelled with every fiber of my being to restore it to a condition that is even better than its original state.  Of course this also means that my focus at any particular moment is split on ohhhhh, about a million things at once (metaphorically speaking of course).  I suppose that's why HE blessed me with the 'power' to feel the pain of others, while having vision that allows me to see beyond what we perceive as reality.  I have been equipped with the ultimate toolbox.  

Yet I am learning that sometimes the best way to fix something or someone is to simply give them the proper tools and point them in the right direction.   I recognize that each of us has a different path and a different destiny.  The premise behind these journeys may be constant, but the passages by which we reach our destinies vary by individual.  

So today I try to embrace my truth by not aiming to fix that which I assume to be broken; but to instead offer a map to those that are willing to receive.  After all one can merely be pointed in the right direction and given the tools that lend to success.  It is then up to that person to use their free will to determine what direction best suits their goals.  

“You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.”
― Galileo Galilei

*Peace and Blessings on your journey*

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