
Here is what I know... we are all connected and we are all reflections of one another.  The good, the bad, the ugly, the indifferent... we are all one.  Don't believe me?  Take a moment the next time something, or someone irritates/bothers you to go inside the moment.  Try not to react to what is happening or being said and just listen and observe.  If you still your mind enough to embrace the intended lesson, you just might be able to see your reflection in the actions of another.  

Of course this description might come as an oversimplification; but it is the best way I can describe the moment.  In the instant that we can remove ego from having a typical knee-jerk reaction, we can begin to learn the intended lesson(s).  Once we are able to master seeing our reflections in everyone and everything, we will be able to achieve the peace that is our true birthright.  

I say all of this because I am still working on this lesson; granted, I am improving, but I understand that this journey is on-going.  I used to be the head judge, jury and executioner but the past does not have to dictate my present or future.  As I see it, every day that I exist on this Earthly plane, offers opportunity to learn and grow.  Of course I still have moments that pull me back into my former mindset, but I don't allow the setbacks to hold me back.  Instead I simply take note long enough to retain the lesson and continue moving forward.  Again and still, it is not easy; but it is so worth it.

The differences in my perceptions, the clarity in my visions, and the happiness in my heart are just small examples of my rewards.  Truth is, if we look for negativity in any situation; we will almost always find what we seek.  However, when we turn our attention to love and light, we will also find it.  I'm not suggesting blinding yourself to reality; I'm suggesting opening your eyes to the lessons/ reflections in order to bring about change and to invite the ultimate shift towards a better tomorrow.  

Today, look for your reflection instead of your reaction.  

*Peace and Blessings*

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